Friday, 4 December 2020
SLJ Taster
Hi Bloggers, The post for today is about the Summer learning Journey. In Te Ngahere this week we have been doing The Summer Learing Journey. The task that we have been doing was we had to go to the Google Arts & Culture. We had to colour the pictures in and compare it to the real drawing. Try and guess what one is mine. Thanks for reading my blog post.
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Tips For A Te Reo Maori DLO
In Te Ngahere this week we have been doing Te Reo. We were learning our pepeha and a little mihi to go with it. After we learnt our pepeha we started learning a mihi then we had to make a DLO to show that we can speak the Te Reo and it had to show our faces. The thing that I enjoyed was learning the mihi because it was fun and I got to learn something new that I haven’t done before. I didn’t find anything hard but next time if we do this again I will try to get my pronunciation better. Have you ever made a Te reo DLO before?
Thursday, 19 November 2020
100 Word Story - The Bear Necessities
In Te Ngahere this week we have been doing 100 word story's. This is the second story that I have done. We all got to pick any picture we wanted to write about. We had to make sure that we keeped the same atmosphere thought out the whole story. We all got our story's off of Pobble. The story that I choose to write about is called ' The Bear Necessities'.
This is my 100 word story and I hope you like it.
Her paws dig into the ground as the first snow flat falls, her paws sinking into the snow making perfect copies of her paws. With one of her cubs on her back holding on to her soft fluffy fur with the other two not far behind. She knew that she had to get food for her cubs but the ice was not being her friend. The ice was breaking and melting each second making it harder for her. She was their teacher, mother and protector. She knew how dangerous it would be but she was still trying and as she…
100 Word Story - The Ghostly Shadow
In Te Ngahere we have been doing some 100 word story's. This is the first story that I have done, We got to pick any picture that we wanted to write about. We had to make sure that we keeped the same mood in our story's the whole way through. We all got our pictures from Pobble. The story that I choose to write about is called 'The Ghostly Shadow'.
This is my 100 word story I hope you like it.
The fog came alive once 12 pm hit. That flowed around the trees, there would be a man that would be there one second but disappear the next. The branches reaching out like fingers as the fog would sway throw the thick dark fading to grey branches of the trees. The fog got darker and darker as the man got closer. The man was wearing a thick wolf coat with long black pieces of material for his pants. The pants with huge rips on them from the trees that comforted him. From his view you couldn’t see anything but fog.
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
New Graphs
In Te Ngahere we have changed up our maths and we are doing graphs. We were learning to make graphs with the data that we get given. With our graphs we have been making slideshow and says what we notice and making I wonder questions with the data that we got given. The data that was from our class. I really enjoyed making the graphs because it was really enjoyable for me. My group and I all did one graph each to make it even. I didn’t find anything hard and I would like to do it again but next time I would change the graphs and try different ones to see if they are easier. I really enjoy it and I want to do it again. Have you ever name a graph before?
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Tips for T-Ball
These past two weeks we have been playing T-ball with Whaea Kasey. The first week we started off by learning the rules and how to hit the ball off of the stand. The second week we learnt how to catch the ball and started getting people out. I really enjoyed playing T-ball because it was a great experience and I have learnt a lot since the first time I played. The thing that I found hard and still find hard is to hit the ball up and not down. Next time when we play T-ball I will try and hit it up and not down and add more force. I can’t wait until next week. Have you ever played T-ball before?
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Tips For If You Do A Jumbled Text
In Te Ngahere this week we have been learning to sort out pieces of writing, the writing that we are doing is called explain writing, we were learning to identify and use the correct structure and language features of explain writing. The topic of our writing is what is a good friend. We start off by getting a piece of writing but the paragraphs are not in order and we had to put them in the right order. I really enjoyed doing this because it was fun and when we make our own pieces of writing it will help me because it is a good example and will give me ideas. I didn’t find anything hard but next time we do this I would like to read the text better before jumping right into trying to put the text in order because reading the text help me but it in the right place but if I had read it earlier I would of got it done faster. Thank you for reading my blog post. Have you ever done a jumbled text before?
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Facts For A Weather Report In Te Reo Maori
In Te Ngahere for the last three weeks we have been making weather reports in Te Reo Maori and we had to be able to speak the Te Reo with the DLO that we made after. We started off by making a script so we knew what we were going to say and so we know that all of our Te Reo is spelt right with the correct kupu. I really enjoyed doing this because it is fun and I am learning new things in another language. One thing that I found hard was making the DLO because I didn’t understand how to do it but now I do. Next time when we do this again I will be able to make the script then make the DLO and be finished faster. Have you ever made a weather report In Te Reo Maori before?
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
What Is Mood and Atmosphere?
In Te Ngahere we have started a new T - shaped. We had to find words that describe a mood/atmosphere from the text that we got given. I really enjoyed it because it was fun and it has helped me with my reading and writing a lot. The thing that I found hard was finding specific words that set the mood that I was looking for. Next time when we do this again I have figured out some really good words that connect and relate with the mood that I needed. Do you like reading at your school?
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Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Division’s Accomplished
In Te Ngahere yesterday I finish all of my division. I have been working on them and really trying to get them finished and yesterday I finished them. Before I finished them all I had to learn were my 7’s then I was finished. I really liked learning my divisions because they are helping me with my maths and they are handy to know. The thing that I found hard was remembering 56 divided by 7 is 8 and 84 divided by 7 is 12. Next time when I need to use my division to solve a maths problem I will know my division and they will help me a lot. Do you know all of your divsion?
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Insane Eeling
Last week on Friday my friend Mikaila come over to my aunties house and we decided to go eeling in Opua. Before we went eeling my aunty got a net, spear and a bucket for us. When we got there we didn’t see anything but after a while of looking we saw some eels with a few fish swimming close by. My friend didn’t want to have a go with trying to spear the eels and fish but after awhile I think she found it really enjoyable and didn’t want to leave. I really enjoyed it because it was fun and I had a great time there. The thing that I found hard was getting the spear closer to the eel so that the spear goes far enough into the eel and it doesn't get away. Next time if we do this again I would take my time with trying to spear eels and not freak out and nearly lose the spear when they try to bite me. Have you ever been eeling before?
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Learning New Maths With Te Ngahere:
In Te Ngahere we have groups for maths. There are group 1,2,3,4 and task 4. I am in group 3 and the activity that we have started is called roar. We were learning to multiply by multiples of 10. The thing that I found hard was getting the hang of doing it and making sure everyone in my group payed attention. Tomorrow when I do this again I will know what to do and it will help me get it done faster. Is maths your favourite subject at school?
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Tok Tik-er’s Are Retired
In Te Ngahere we have recently finished our movies. My groups movie is called Tok Tik-ers. We were learning to make a movie for the film festival coming up. Before we could even start filming, we had to learn all about the types of shots to use in our movie. I really enjoyed this activity because I learnt what a long shot, close up and birds eye view is and more. There was nothing I didn’t enjoy about it, but next time if we make movies again I think the thing that I could work on is making my acting a bit better and taking the time to edit our movie. Do you know what a birds eye view is?
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Come And Learn The Newton’s Laws With Me
In Te Ngahere we have been doing writing that is called explanation and we were doing it related to bottle rockets, Newton’s Laws and the forces that help bottled rockets fly. if you don’t know what an explanation piece of writing is, it is when you are writing facts and you are not allowed to use you, I or your. I really enjoy doing this because it is fun and I get to learn more about Newton’s Laws of motion. We use the three forces trust, weight and drag to make the rockets fly. There is nothing I don’t enjoy about it but sometimes I find it hard to remember Newton’s second law which is the more mass then more the forces you need to make the object move. Before we could even start our writing we had to make a plan so we knew what we were going to write about and the order that it is meant to be in. Have you ever done an explanation piece of writing before?
Learning New Maths With Me
In Te Ngahere we have started a new type of maths, we are learning about time, mass & length. My maths group are figuring out how much a meter is on our body, and we are also learning about grams and what weighs 100 grams in our classroom. We have to see how close our estimation is to the real answer. I really enjoy doing this because it is fun. I like it because me and my group all do even parts of the work. The thing that I found hard at first was writing my statement right because I kept on writing way to much detail when I was just meant to write down the data. Tomorrow when we do it again I will remember not to add too much detail and just add the data that I need. Last week we were doing maths with our teacher Whaea Shanna in the whare, now we are doing maths with our other teacher Whaea Chrissy in our classroom. Do you learn maths in different learning spaces?
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Edit A Movie With Me
In Te Ngahere we have been making movies of our choice for the film festival coming up. This week my group has just finished our movie and are now editing it, just for a reminder our movie is about never give up on something you love and when things get hard keep trying. I really enjoy making movies because I enjoy acting and I love making movies with my friends because we all help each other to get better and better at acting and we never give each other negative advice. The thing that I found hard when we were editing was getting sound in our movie but also being able to hear us as well. Next time if we do this again I will listen and watch so when it comes to editing the movie it is easier for me and I will know for the future. I had a lot of fun and I hope we do this a again soon. Have you ever made a movie before?
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Tips You Need To Know When You Do Fraction Frenzy
In Te Ngahere this week we have been doing maths. Our maths that we were doing was called fraction frenzy. What we had to do was find equivalent fractions. Equivalent fractions are fractions that are the same as each other. I really enjoyed this because I found it fun and it had some challenges for me. I also like learning about factions and getting better and better at them. The thing that I found hard was trying to find equivalent fractions to the high numbers because they were a lot harder than the small numbers. Next time if we do this again I will try to come up with easy starters then just count up in one’s trying to find the answer. I hope we do this again sometime this year so I get another try at it and hopefully I am much better at it. Did you know how to find an a equivalent fraction before you saw my post?
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Into The Unknown Wonder Project
In Te Ngahere this week we have been doing wonder project, if you don’t know what wonder project is it is when a couple scientist come down to your school and talk about their jobs, what they do and they teach you about rockets. We are doing this so that we can lean how to make rockets. We have been making rockets out of plastic bottles and cardboard or an ice cream container. I really enjoy learning about rockets because they are interesting and now I know things about trust, wight and drag, if you don’t know what I mean the thrust pushing the rocket up and the weight is used to drag the rocket down. I didn’t have anything I did not like about it but what I found hard was making the rocket then modifying it. What I think I could do better next time is making the rocket design a bit easier and try and get started early by bringing the equipment faster like bring the bottles and cardboard to school and make the rocket faster. I hope we can do this again. Do you like rockets and find them interesting? Bye!
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Interesting Post About Te Reo
In Te Ngahere last week we have been doing Te Reo Maori. We had to make a script first to make sure that our maori words were correct, after that we were allowed to then make a DLO around it to show our learning with a screencastify over it. I enjoyed this because it was fun and easy to do, and there was nothing I didn’t enjoy about it. The thing that I found hard was making sure that the maori words meant the same thing as the english words, so next time I will try harder. I hope we do this again soon. Do you like Te Reo Maori?
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Insane Art
Last week in Te Ngahere we made mosaic art on our chromebooks. If you don’t know what mosaic art is. Mosaic art is art you make online or paper. When we were making our art it was allowed to be our favourite animal or the person we look up to. When we were doing this I really enjoyed it because I love art and I like using my chromebook so I really enjoy making art on my chromebook. When we were doing this I found getting the colours right was the hard part for me and making them match with the animal. I hope we are doing this again soon. Have you ever done mosaic art before?
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
The Outstanding Film
In Te Ngahere this week we have started making our own films. We had to make the films 3 minutes long and we were allowed to add action, comedy, educational, sport, adverts, music, game shows, news and weather, children's t.v, puppetry, drama and documentary. Whatever we chose it had to be appropriate for school. I feel really confident making these filmes because I enjoy taking the time to act the scenes and I get to hang out with my friends. I can’t say there is something I don’t enjoy about it. Have you ever made a film before and did you have fun making it?
These are some shots were are going to use.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Amazing Training
This week our class Te Ngahere have started our training for cross country coming up. We started off by doing stretches such as high knees with two push ups, ski jumps, crab walking and squat lunges. Then afterwards we played a game where someone throws a sport ball in and we have to play that game. For example if someone throws a basketball we play basketball. I like doing the exercises because they help me with my running and will help me when the real day comes up. When we were doing this there was nothing I didn’t enjoy about it. What is your favourite exercise?
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Cross Country Coming Up
This term in Te Ngahere we will be training for cross country, we will be running around the school and playing games to get us ready for cross country. I really enjoy doing cross country because I like running and racing people. When i’m doing cross country the thing I find hard is running up hills and running down because when I run up hill I get tired and when I run down hill I fall over. Do you enjoy Cross Country as much as I do?
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Our Amazing Dance
Last week in Te Ngahere we had been learning some fun and appropriate tik toks. We were learning to do them for our assembly. One of the tik tok dances we did was laxed. I had a lot of fun doing this because it was something the whole class got to do, and I had nothing I didn’t enjoy. Next time if we do this again we I think I need to work on timing. Do you like any tik toks?
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
The Incredible math D.L.O
This week we have been doing math, the type of math we have been doing is angles. We have been learning about right, acute, obtuse, straight, reflex and a full rotation angles. When we were doing this, I really enjoyed it because I learnt that an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees.. What was your favourite angle to learn about?
Ka kite!
Friday, 5 June 2020
My Amazing Math D.L.O
This week we have been doing math about fractions, decimals and percentages. In Te Ngahere we had to make a D.L.O about our maths, I made my D.L.O about fractions, decimals and percentages. I had a lot of fun doing this because I learnt something new, what I didn’t enjoy was doing the fraction part because I don't enjoy fractions but I learnt to do them and now I like fractions. Next time I do something like this I hope I am much better at doing the fraction part. Do you like fractions?
Friday, 22 May 2020
Being the Trickster of my Shots
Being the Trickster of my Shots
We are learning to do a trick shot that will make a ping pong ball land in a cup. We had to do it in three seconds, we used one ping pong ball, one cup and some cardboard. We noticed that the first idea that we came up with didn’t work so we tried a different one and it worked, we changed it bye making a ping pong bat and hitting the ping pong ball it to the cup but we held the cup so it didn’t move. Next time I think we could try different angles at doing it and don’t change so many variables at once. How would you do this?
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
My Gingerbread men eyes
My gingerbread eyes
We are learning to identify maths in the world around us.We learnt that we all had maths eyes, like we had to notice what was different about the gingerbread men using our math eyes. Some examples were who many legs and arms they had and do they have all have the same hats and shoes. I think I did a good job but next time I would like to use my maths eyes more to find more thing differly about the gingerbread mens. Have you done something like this before and did you enjoy it?
Saturday, 18 April 2020
Summer Learning Journey
Hi bloggers I hope you are all safe and at home. In Te Ngahere we have been doing mind blowing things about Summer Learning Journey. I have been learning every interesting things about Mexico, my focus in this post is to teach everyone who reads this things about Mexico. This post is for teaching other people, here is a photo to some information of Mexico so you can see yourself. When doing this I have learnt that the capital of Mexico is just Mexico City and the official name for Mexico is United Mexican States. I have overcome writing small sentences and making them bigger with more information. Next time I would like to learn something else about a different country and more facts about Mexico too. Have you ever done something like this before?

Thursday, 19 March 2020
Digital Dig
In Te Ngahere we have been doing Digital Dig. We have been learning new shortcuts and how to use our chromebooks properly using Ctrls. I enjoyed doing this because it is a lot of fun. It has made me remember how to use my chromebook again and now it is so easy because it’s faster. But the thing that I don’t enjoy is it’s hard to find all of the hacks and put them into the slide show. Did this help you understand what a Digital Dig is?
Here is my slideshow:
Friday, 6 March 2020
Bay of Islands College Gala
Today I went up to Bay of Island Collage and there was a gallar get held there so Mikaila, and my Aunty Liss and I went there to see what was happening. When we got there I saw my Uncle Puil I said hi and he gave me his last ticket. The first thing that we did, was we when on a big fire truck it was so much fun because I had never been on one before. After that we went to go and watch some of the performance’s, I recorded then so that I could watch them again later in the afternoon. I really enjoyed it and there it was a lot of fun and I had a great time, when i was there I was having so much fun there was nothing I didn’t enjoy and have fun doing. If you went I hope you had a good day like me.
New and improved way to make a good blog post
Today in Te Ngahere I will be telling you how to make a quality blog post so that you will get better at better since last time at blog posting. I enjoy doing this because it will help me a lot and will make my blog posts better and better. But the thing I am find a bit hard is try to find a really interesting title that makes people want to read my writing and see more. I hope you are enjoying this post and I hope that the post will help you make quality blog post. Have you ever done something like this better?
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Turbo Touch
Today in Te Ngahere we were playing turbo touch and we just got told that the group that I am in is in first place. If you don’t know what I mean we started a turbo touch competition just with our school and my team is winning. We have been learning how to play it properly. I love turbo touch, it is so much fun and I just want to keep playing the game. When you play the game all you needed is 12 people, a ruby ball and some cones. If you are someone like me you just like the game. If you ever play turbo touch then I hope you are good at it and you love it too.
New Classroom
Today in Te Ngahere we walked up into the bush nearby our school to see what we could find to make our classroom look more like a forest. We were seeing what was there was and the texture of it. We were learning to find something in the bush, feel the texture and to be able to come back to school and make something we saw using reusable materials for example to make birds out of plastic bottles. It is a lot of fun doing this, I really enjoy it because I love art and it is something enjoyable for the whole class to do. In the bush I was having so much fun, there was nothing I didn’t enjoy. When we were there we saw birds, fish, plants and insects.
Friday, 21 February 2020
Yesterday we went to technology and we were trying to make a necklace and bracelets. I learnt that when using the skill saw and cutting diagonal to move your hand around slowly and you must wear gloves. I really enjoyed technology because we got to use skill saws and a seper. There was nothing I didn’t enjoy there. I learnt that when you use a skill saw you don’t use big gloves and to try get the smaller ones. I think next time I can try to finish my work faster so I can get more done, I can’t wait to go back to technology to finish off my work and to make and learn more.
Newspaper Challenge
Last week in Te Ngahere we did a Newspaper Challenge. if you don't know what a news paper challenge is, it’s when you get two sheets of newspaper and 30 cm metres of tape to make a free standing Newspaper tower. When we were doing this activity I learnt that when you make something like this you need to do teamwork because you will find it will help you a lot. I think that we did a good job until we added more newspaper on top of our base. It was easy to make the tower because we worked well with each other and helped one another. Next time we do this I think I could try make the base more stable on the next tower. I hope we get to do this again ,and if you try this, good luck.
This week we have been doing blogging and I am nearly up to date with my blogging. I learnt that you have to check the success criteria because before showing a teacher or a buddy. I really enjoy doing blogging it is a lot of fun and it helps me a lot when I do my writing, I have so much fun there is nothing I don’t enjoy. I think I need to start working on checking the success criteria more often and making sure I follow it. I can’t wait to do blogging next week. Thanks for reading my blog post.
Wednesday, 12 February 2020
Last week on Wednesday we went to Technology. If you don't know what technology is when year sevens or year eights go to Moerewa for the day to learn how to cook or learn how to use tools, and all of the tool names. When I went to technology I learnt how to make a Maui hook out of wood using a jigsaw and a plane. I really enjoyed myself when I went to technology because we got to spend a whole day making things and learning our way around a workshop. I can't wait to go back to technology next week because it as a lot of fun there was nothing I didn't enjoy doing. When you go to technology I hope you have fun.
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