
Thursday, 5 November 2020

Tips for T-Ball

These past two weeks we have been playing T-ball with Whaea Kasey. The first week we started off by learning the rules and how to hit the ball off of the stand. The second week we learnt how to catch the ball and started getting people out. I really enjoyed playing T-ball because it was a great experience and I have learnt a lot since the first time I played. The thing that I found hard and still find hard is to hit the ball up and not down. Next time when we play T-ball I will try and hit it up and not down and add more force. I can’t wait until next week. Have you ever played T-ball before?


  1. Hi Jade this is Jaelyn I really liked your blog about Tips for T - Ball. I also liked that you said the things that you found hard to do and your goals for next time you play T - Ball. When you asked your question about have you ever played T - Ball before and my answer is yes. My question for you is what is your most favourite about T - Ball?

  2. Hi Jaelyn thank you so much for commenting on my blog post and the thing that I like the most about T-Ball would have to be catching the ball after people hit it. Bye!
