Thursday, 5 December 2019
Summer Learning Journey
This is my Pepeha for this teaser week of the Summer Learning Journey activity two.
Monday, 4 November 2019
The Amazing Game
Kia ora everyone yesterday some of the year 5 to 8’s went to represent our school playing Ki O rahi in Morewa at Simpson Park. We were learning to work together and work as a team. What I think the year 5 and 6’s did well was they shared the ball around and we were communicating with each other. What I think we all need to work on is spreading out and don’t chase them to much. I really enjoy playing Ki O rahi and I hope we get to do it again some time. If you comment on my blog can you please tell me if you play Ki O rahi?
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Incredible Maths
This week in Te Ngahere we have been learning a new way to help us with our maths. We got into groups of four and we were given sixteen cards and we had to share out the cards evenly amongst ourselves. Before we got into groups we had to follow these rules. No talking, no hand signals and no taking anyone else’s cards. On the cards that we had were numbers, dots, tiles, words and shapes. What we were learning was to put them in to groups. For an example if you have a triangle, a piece of paper with three dots, the number three and a piece of paper with three tiles shaded in you will have a match and you are done. I really enjoyed doing this maths because it is a lot of fun but the thing I didn’t enjoy was that it was really hard because we couldn’t talk to each other or communicate. Have you learnt any new maths this term?
Monday, 21 October 2019
Mind blowing facts about swim safety
Yesterday we were very lucky to have Tracey from Swim Safe come and talk to us. She said that when you are on a boat you always put your safety first, check the weather, tell people where you are going and when you will be back, wear a life jacket and remember to put flares on the boat. Also when you are going for a swim you never swim alone and bring a adult that will watch you. Then she also taught us the key things about safety on how to use flares in an emergency situation, for example the parachute flare shoots up into the air and opens up into a parachute and then when it comes down it goes really slow and stays up in the air longer than a gun flare. I really enjoyed Swim Safe and I hope we get to see her next year. Have you had Swim Safe yet?
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Newspaper Challenge
Hello Bloggers, welcome back to my blog I hope you had a good holiday and I hope you like all of my new blog posts. In Te Ngahere we have done a STEAM Challenge and we had to make a tower. We used 2 pieces of newspaper and 30 cm of tape and we had to made the biggest tower we could with what we had. I learnt that if the bottom of the tower is not too big or not too small just bigger than the long bit that sticks (kind of like a pole) off the bottom then it should stand up nice and straight. I think what we could have done better was the bottom have our tower could of had one more leg to keep it standing up, I also think that we did really well on our top of the tower. We also added a little string of newspaper that sticks out and keeps the legs together so that our tower could stand up. I really enjoyed doing this and I hope we get to do this again. Have you ever done something like this before?

Friday, 20 September 2019
Kapa Haka
Today the kapa haka roopu went to the Kaikohe Culture festival. We went there to perform kapa haka and to represent our school. We learnt that we need to smile because it doesn't look very nice if you don’t smile, but also that you need to pukana to make it look effective. I really enjoyed today because we all had fun and tried our best, it was really cool but nerve breaking when we went on that stage. The thing I didn’t like was we could of done a bit better, but we tried our hardest. Today was a lot of fun performing and when we came off the stage we were shivering. My favourite group today was Mangamuka because they used there pukana and smiles at the right time, and they did really good actions like when it came to an action song they were not lazy with their elbows and they had them hight. We all learnt a lot and had a lot of fun and we all hope that we get to do it again.
If you want to watch our video it is on our website.

Thursday, 12 September 2019
Kapa Haka
This term we have been learning a new bracket for Kapa Haka. We have been practicing for the Kaikohe Cultural Festival, we’ve been practicing very hard every morning tea and lunchtime. We have learnt a new but old song called “Ka mate” which is also a Haka. When we do “Ko Matou” for our exit, the one thing I find difficult is when I have to get the timing right and spin around, then crouch down and then run into position to end our performance off. I really enjoy doing Kapa Haka because it's lots of fun, I get to hang out with my friends and learn new Waiata Haka and more. In Kapa Haka there is nothing that I don’t like. I can’t wait until we go to the Kaikohe Cultural Festival.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
Cross Country
This week the kids that came first, second & third at cross country have been practising for the inter school cross country. I am very lucky because i'm one of those people, because I came second at our school cross country. My friend Angela came first and my other friend Katlin came third. We have been seeing how many laps we can do in 20 minutes. I could do only 5 laps and so could my friend Angela. We always have fun when we run and we always try do our best and beat each other and come up with new running competitions as we run. The bit I enjoy is having fun with my friend when I run and also getting faster and faster as I run.
Monday, 2 September 2019
In maths I have been learning about doubling, halving & Multiplication problems, we had two numbers and we had to half the big number and the double the little number. (Example) if we had 5x14 we would have to half the number that chose is the best number to plus and half. I picked the 14 because I think it was the best number her is my example. Which is the 14 so I 7 then we plus the 5 witch is then 10 and then after that we times the 7 and the 10 together which is 70 so then we have our answer. We learnt that you really do need to learn your times tables because when it comes to something like this like this they really come in handy.
Treaty grounds
On Monday the 18th, The year 6’s got to have another awesome day with Whaea Monika & Whaea Kerry. We were learning a lot about our identity like where we come from and how we got New Zealand. When we were in the Whare, we showed that by making a sculpture and putting it in a Waka and then we made the Waka look like it’s going to an Island. Something like how our ancestors got here, I enjoyed making a forest with virtual trees and I put a couple of birds in there, but then I also think that I could've added more things on my sculpture to make it more interesting.

rippa rugby
On Tuesday there were a lucky group of kids that got the opportunity to go to the Kaikohe rippa rugby tournament. I was very lucky because I was one of the kids that got chosen to go. When we were there we had a blast, we won our first game and the score was 11/3. I really enjoyed it when I found out that we came first, we won and now we get another opportunity to go back again next month and play again. The thing I didn't enjoy was that the first team that we were meant to verse was late and they were the closest school. The thing I think we need to work on is spreading out. What I think that we did well is that we worked together and we had an amazing time there.
Blog YA Later

Friday, 23 August 2019
Science Fair Day
On Friday we had our big science fair day. We all made science projects for the science fair. We were all waiting to see who came first, second & third. We learnt that when you do something for a science fair make sure that it is clear to read, it has scientific language and you have a good AIM. The whole school came into the whare to see our science projects. Mrs lindsay (our principal) & Danielle who is a Marine Biologist and the twins mum were our judges. When the teachers were announcing the winners we all went silent & crossed our fingers. I think next time we will start earlier so we have more time to carry out our investigation.

Friday, 9 August 2019
Science fair
This term we have been doing science . We have been learning how to carry out a scientific investigation. Our investigation was to find out what area of the school catches the most rats. We learnt that if you have a big scientific investigation you should start early so that you have a enough time to catch rats and also that you have a lot of data. What I found really challenging was to write the method and the hypothesis down. I enjoyed catching a rat and making our slide show. We also had to make a slideshow, this is my groups.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
This term we have been doing science . We have been learning how to carry out a scientific investigation. Our investigation was to find out what area of the school catches the most rats. We learnt that if you have a big scientific investigation you should start early so that you have a enough time to catch rats and also that you have a lot of data. What I found really challenging was to write the method and the hypothesis down. I enjoyed catching a rat and making our slide show.
Friday, 2 August 2019
The NED show
Today at Paihia school we had a very special lady come to Paihia School named Nicole. She came to our school to teach us all about mindset and what NED means. We found out that N means never give up, the E stands for encourage others & the D stands for do your best. She gave us a lot of messages like, let go of I know so that you can learn and grow., do your best, never give & keep trying.

Rippa Rugby
Last week some of the kids in Te Ngahere and Te Maunga went to a very existing event in Hikurangi to play Rippa Rugby. I was one of the kids that got the opportunity to got to Hikurangi and play Rippa Rugby. What I enjoyed the most was when we got told that we were in the finals. But what I didn’t enjoy was when we got told that they counted the points wrong and that we got pulled out of the finals. We learnt that we need to spread out and move forward and back more, but mainly share the ball.

Friday, 21 June 2019
Project Island Song
In Te Ngahere some of the year 6’s were very luckily to get to go to project Island song, when we were there we learnt so much. I learnt that the Pohutakawa trees were promised by Kupe that he will return and get them, but he never did. I also learnt that the blue penguins name in Maori is Korora. I really enjoyed it when we got to make rat traps, weta homes and getting to plant trees like rewarewa trees and ribbonwood. The thing I didn’t really enjoy the most was when we had to walk over about 4 hills and dig really deep holes for the trees. What I think I did well was making the rat traps.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Whaea Stella
In Te Ngahere we were very lucky because a very special lady, named Whaea Stella came to tell us about the pests in New Zealand. She showed us Rats, Wild Cats, Weasels, Possums and Stoats. I really enjoyed seeing all of the animals that we used to have but also the land we used to have. The thing I’m NOT so happy about is how many types of animals are alive and how many are nearly extinct. Want I think I did well or could of done better is put my hand up and don’t be shy to ask questions.

Monday, 20 May 2019
Talent queat
At Paihia School last week kids competed the talent quest. It started at 11.30 in the morning. We were the last team to perform, there were lots of amazing and talented people doing really cool things but I still think we were the best. When we finished we all come together to have a photo and we got told I won’t to tell you something by the best teacher in the world Mrs Williams. She whispered in our ears come see me after lunch. So then after lunch we went to see Mrs Williams to see if we were going to get anything but then she said go back to class I will come talk to you when the bell rings. We were so excited we couldn’t wait another second. We were hoping that we would get the Jimmy Jacks voucher but then we thought ( we can’t get that). But then when she walked in the door we saw voucher the and then we ran up to her and then she said here you go.

Sea cleaner
On Tuesday the 14th of March, at Paihia School we had very nice and amazing people visit us and talk to us about how What plastic do you drop? What types of plastic hurt marine animal
?s.the worst plastic for the animals, but no only for the animals but for the ocean to. I think I was good when it came to questions because I gave my questions away to my friend next to me but I didn’t put my hand up. I really enjoyed it when she played the video because I realised what we were doing to the ocean and how we can fix it. I think when I was giving my friend questions to ask I could of added more detailed questions.
Blog you latter

Magic Show
On Wednesday the 27th of February, The year 1 to year 6’s walk over to the Whare to watch the magic show. Before you were aloud in we needed to pay 4$ to get in. When we got inside of Where we were all very excited we all wanted to see his shoes & costume because when we were inside the classroom also before we when over the teacher said that he has cool looking shoes and a nice cool costume. When we saw his costume it wasn't what we were really expecting but we still said it was cool. When it started he started with a plain classic poll a rabbit out of a hat, but the more tricks he did the more intreading they got. I learnt that you need to have lots of grains, vitamins, nutrients & veggies in your body go have a good day and a healthy body. What I think I did well was I didn’t get all mad and have a temper when I didn’t get picked to go up and do a trick with. I really enjoyed the magic show it was a lot of fun to watch all of his crazy but amazing tricks, it was sad when he had to leave. Next time I reckon I could put my hand up more and try be more confident to put my hand up.

Waitangi Treaty Grounds
On Thursday and Friday the year 6’s went up to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds. On the first day it wasn’t that fun because the bus was meant to come at 10 past 9 but it came at 10:50. We learnt how to use different devices and new apps. We also learnt how to make a person in a waka on of the devices.. I think I did a good job with the little robots, V.R or virtual reality & the green screen. Next time I think I can try different designs and don’t use the someone over and over again. At the end of the day we did some staff around the 4 hoe but mainly we were working around whanaungatanga.
Then on Monday the 18th, The year 6’s got to have another awesome day with Whaea Monika & Whaea Kerry. We were learning a lot about our identity like where we come from and how we got New Zealand. When we were in the Whare, we showed that by making a sculpture and putting it in a Waka and then we made the Waka look like it’s going to an Island. Something like how our ancestors got here, I enjoyed making a forest with virtual trees and I put a couple of birds in there, but then I also think that I could've added more things on my sculpture to make it more interesting.

On Tuesday the 2nd of April, an amazing band came to our school to perform and teached a group of 25 students to play 2-3 songs with the ukulele. I enjoyed it because I was one of the 25 students who got to perform with the band. They were called the Nukes and they played ukulele and the drums. One of the songs that they played was peas and carrots. We were lucky to have Russell School to join us. But there was one thing that I didn’t really like and that was we had to be crazy like Crazy Chickens. Well I did enjoy it but it was really weird but fun.
Maths DLO
In Te Ngahere we have been making maths DLO’s around multiplication problems with doubling and halving. In our math’s DLO’s we had to show how we worked it out, how it works, when you would use this strategy and what it is. What I think I did well was when I had to explain the strategy and how the strategy works. Another thing that I enjoyed and felt good was when I finished explaining the examples. Next time I think I should listen to the teacher when she tries to tell us to look on the success criteria and also when she tries to help me I should take her advice. Blog you later!
Friday, 22 February 2019
On Monday the 18th, The year 6’s got to have another awesome day with Whaea Monika & Whaea Kerry. We were learning a lot about our identity like where we come from and how we got New Zealand. When we were in the Whare, we showed that by making a sculpture and putting it in a Waka and then we made the Waka look like it’s going to an Island. Something like how our ancestors got here, I enjoyed making a forest with virtual trees and I put a couple of birds in there, but then I also think that I could've added more things on my sculpture to make it more interesting.
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