
Thursday, 12 August 2021

Science Fair

Kia ora, In Te Ngahere these past few weeks we have been doing science experiments for the science fair coming up. First we all came up with something we wanted to do our experiment about, then we started writing our method, aim, variables and hypothesis off the research that we did. After that we then started out experiment and took a lot of photos for evidence, when we had finished our experiment we finished writing out conclusion, results and evaluation. After we wrote the scientific method out we then put them on slides and printed them so that we could glue them on a board to present it. From doing this I learnt what a controlled variable is, what a independent variable is and a dependent variable. The thing that I found hard was that I was sick most of the time so my friend Angela had to do most of it but she hadn’t been there so she had no idea what to do and I had to try tell her over the chromebook. ( she was very hard to teach over the chromebook ). If we got to do this again one thing that I would do differently would be talking to Angela so that she had more of an understanding of what to do, also when we glued our slides down we weren’t looking at all of the space we could of used but we didn’t so there was a big spot on our board full of space that we didn’t use, so next time I will look and see how much space we have left. When doing this I had to use my hoe of Tu maia and Kaha because it was really hard teaching Angela over the chromebook but not just that also because when Angela wasn’t here I had to try think what she would do because Angela was doing it when I wasn’t here then I had to do it when she wasn’t here. I really enjoyed this and I would really like to do this again. Have you ever done a science fair before and if you have how did it go?

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