
Friday, 18 August 2017

Hedgehog (Tuatete) Whanau

I created my Tuatete Whanau one night because I was bored. My Aunty and I gathered pine cones from the bush near her place. One night we painted them, the next night we drilled holes for the eyes and legs. Last night we put in the toothpick legs and eyes. Afterwards I made a nest with moss and pebbles. They have a cherry to eat, I hope they like it. Mum really loves my hedgehog family. I am looking forward to creating some more creations with pinecones.

1 comment:

  1. Jade you are such a lucky girl to have such a creative artist Aunty. Your tuatete whanau is amazing. I have learnt how to insert legs into pine cones. What other creations might you be able to design and make? This has given me a great idea to keep my grandchildren busy.
