
Monday, 28 August 2017

Amazing Side Shows

Today we started to put Screencastify in the side and we all had a  turn saying our  parts. When we were saying our parts our voices  had to  be as clear as the sky on a clear sunny day. Screencastify can be used in anything like the most beautiful thing in the world.

Cross country goals

I.A.L.T.stared challenging my myself in running 3 or 4 times around the Golf Club.
  How, when we were making the green screen the first thing we had to do was, we all had to run around the field. Then we had to run miss  G Tolled us that we had to run on ether side of her.
   When you run don't want for your friends. On that day I learned that day that it does not matter if you came last it's all about having fun. 

Friday, 25 August 2017

Alliteration Critter

W.A.L.T. write an alliteration describing a relationship between two creatures. We used a shared Google Doc to write our alliteration. In a shared Google Slide we had to add a background then inserted png images of the critters.

Friday, 18 August 2017


W.A.L.T. to make a fractions wall. First we had to cut twelve pieces of paper the same length.  First we glued one whole strip, then we folded another strip in 1/2 before cutting it in half and gluing it on our wall. We repeated this process in 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8, 1/9, 1/10, 1/12 this. We saw patterns when we cut 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, and 1/12. We saw another pattern when we cut 1/3, 1/6 and  1/9.  We saw another pattern with 1/5 and 1/10.  When we were making it we had to make sore that all the strips were exactly the same length as the first one at the top. 

Hedgehog (Tuatete) Whanau

I created my Tuatete Whanau one night because I was bored. My Aunty and I gathered pine cones from the bush near her place. One night we painted them, the next night we drilled holes for the eyes and legs. Last night we put in the toothpick legs and eyes. Afterwards I made a nest with moss and pebbles. They have a cherry to eat, I hope they like it. Mum really loves my hedgehog family. I am looking forward to creating some more creations with pinecones.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Hammering Hakiu

I.A.L.T write a haiku poem about nature with there unrhyhmed lines containing five, seven and five syllables.

Animal Cinquan Poems

I.A.L.T. write cinquain poems. They are written with a pattern of 2,4,6,8,2 words in each line.

Friday, 4 August 2017

Thank you card for my Super Parents

I.A.L.T. create a card ti thank Mum and Dad for helping take groups of students to the treaty grounds.

My Amazing Weekend

     My Amazing Weekend  
On my amazing weekend, well at the start of it I got yelled at, because I wanted to sleep, but my mum wanted me to get up, so she, yelled and she yelled. So finally I got up.
Then…      I zoomed past my mum as fast as a cheetah and went to go and get dressed and brushed my tiny teeth. Suddenly I jumped up to give my kitten Kitcat a cuddle. I received lots and lots and lots of sloppy kisses.
Then I went to go and play with my dog Honey for a while on the deck. After a time I went go to give my mum, dad and Jordon some big sloppy kisses and cuddles. I gave my mum and dad a kiss and my brother the biggest cuddle in the world.  Then I shouted out and said, “NEXT WEEK I’AM GOING TO AUCKLAND!” but my mum said, “Shoosh Jade!”  “OK!”

I.A.L.T. write a recount of my weekend. I learnt to reread my writing and made sure it made sense, had correct punctuation and language features.
Test for you: Can you find the simile and the alliteration?